Member-only story
Release Your Hurtful Sexual Shame and Choose Your Authentic Sexual Self
Choose strength over your fear.
Sexual shame is a stumbling block to personal authenticity. Learned through a social construct, sexual shame can be identified and replaced. When you eliminate sexual shame, you can sit with your true sexual self, and create a safe space for it. If and when you are ready, you can choose to share it.
Consider the phrase, eliminate sexual shame. Use it as permission to move into a different place within yourself.
Ponder these ideas. Mantras. Positive Affirmations.
E — Extend grace to yourself.
L — Live in the moment. Not the past. Not the future. The here and now, with you.
I — Imagine pleasure belongs to you.
M — Mirror all the goodness inside you. Smile.
I — Introduce sex-positive mantras into your life and recite them.
N — Nourish your happy times, so they’ll grow and thrive.
A — Accept the holistic nature of YOU.
T — Tailor your world to support your unique sexual self.
E — Expand the space inside you to hold your sexual energy.